Tours: Stadt Roth


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Public guided tours

Castle Tour

Let yourself be surprised by what Ratibor Castle has to offer on each first Saturday of a month. The impressive ceremonial hall is only one of the highlights.

Combi-City-Castle Tour

On this Combi-Tour you will receive the most important information about the Ratibor Castle and the city.

Admission Fee: € 5.00 per person

Meeting Point: castle yard at 14.00

Group Tours

The tourist information office of the City of Roth offers any groups a varied programme of tours. Guided tour groups at Ratibor Castle can be booked the whole year and out of opening hours.

A complete programme of tours can be found here or in our downloadable brochure.

Telefonnummer: 09171 848-513

Designed for Children

Admission Fee:

  • € 2.00  (children)
  • € 3.00  (adults)
  • supervisor will be required for each group of 10 children (free)

Duration approximately 1.2 hours

  • Entrance Fee Including Admission: € 5.00  per person
  • Reduced Rate: € 3.00 per person
  • Children under 10: Admission Free